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Rainbow Brass RB-11

by Brushing on Brass
Price $ 16.00

Rainbow Brass RB-11 imparts an multi-colored finish of Reds, Browns, Blues and Purples on Brass or Copper.

Brass Parts should be thoroughly cleaned and prepped prior to usage.


  1. Prepare the Surface by brushing SURCLEAN-400 to degrease and descale.
  2. Rinse with Water.  Ensure no cleaning solution remains on surface.
  3. Selectively Brush or Sponge Rainbow Brass RB-11 on Surface.
  4. Let Part sit for 1-2 Minutes.  
  5. After Desired Finish , stop the reaction by rinsing with water.  Ensure no Patina remains on surface.
  6. Air Dry.
  7. Seal Patina with an appropriate Lacquer for Metal.

Recommended Ancillary Products:

  1. SURCLEAN-400 Metal Conditioner
  2. Acrylaq-1000 High-Gloss Lacquer for Metal

Square Footage : Approximately 90-100 Square Feet Per Gallon

 Size Square Feet
8 oz Bottle 6-8
1 Gallon 90-100
4 Gallon Case 360-400
5 Gallon Bucket 450-500


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1530 SPENCE STREET Los Angeles, CA 90023 United States 323-262-8108

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