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Magic Rainbow R20

by Brushing on Stainless Steel
Price $ 17.50

Magic Rainbow R20 imparts a Torched/Flame like rainbow Finish  upon Brushing on Stainless Steel.

Stainless Steel Parts should be thoroughly sanded  prior application.


  1. Prepare the Stainless Steel by sanding or grinding the surface.
  2. Rinse/ Clean off any dirt or oils on your part with Brush N Clean followed by a water rinse.
  3. Artistically/selectively Brush Magic Rainbow R20 on the Surface until Surface is entirely covered.  Pay attention to edges and hard to reach areas. Dab the brush in random areas first, then fill in the gaps after waiting a couple seconds.
  4. After desired finish develops,use paper towels to dab the surface clean of chemical. Do not wipe, but gently dab/absorb.
  5. Rinse with Water.  Ensure no Patina remains on surface.
  6. Air Dry.
  7. Seal Patina with an appropriate Lacquer for Metal.

Recommended Ancillary Products:

  1. Orbital Sander, Palm Sander, Sandblaster, or grinder.
  2. Acrylaq-1045 FLAT Lacquer for Metal

Square Footage : Approximately 90-100 Square Feet Per Gallon

 Size Square Feet
8 oz Bottle 6-8
1 Gallon 90-100
4 Gallon Case 360-400
5 Gallon Bucket 450-500


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1530 SPENCE STREET Los Angeles, CA 90023 United States 323-262-8108

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